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Monday 31 October 2011

The south patterns of language

Ever on the search for legal jokes necessarily connected with the death penalty,I consulted a friend who is still practising.she said a member of her chambers was in court on Monday morning when the judge said, "I'm afraid we'll have toadjourn this case,I have written my judgement out,but i left it in my cottage in Devon and I can't get it sent here unitl tomorrow".."fax it Lord the helpful barrister suggested,to which this Lordship replied,"Yes,it does rather".

                                             In the preceding chapter,we investigated the physical production of speech sounds in the terms of the articulatory mechanisms of the human vocal tract.That investigation was possible because of some rather amazing facts about the nature of the languages.When we considered the human vocal tract,we did not have to specify whether we were talking about a fairly large male,over six feet tall,weighing over 200 pounds or about a rather female,about five feet tall,weighing 100 pounds.Yet those two physically different individually would inevitably have physically different vocal tracts,in terms of size and shape.In a sense,every individual has a physically different vocal tract.Consequently,in purely physical terms,every individually will pronounce sound differently.There are,then,potentially thousands of physically different ways to saying the simple word to me

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