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Monday 31 October 2011

Class Vocabulary Acitvity:Getting married in the United States

Every state in the United States has its own legal requirements for marriage.All states require a marriage license.A blood test is also required in most states.There is a minimum age for marrying in all 50 states.With parental males,16.The age requirements is higher in most states.

                                                        In the United States,a couple may be married in either a religious or a civil ceremony.Many young people decide by themselves whether to get married or not.They do not ask their parents for permission if they are over the legal age.Sometimes they elope and do not tell their parents until after they are already married.

                                          Some people have big weddings.They take their vows before a judge or a justice-of-the-peace with two other people as legal witnesses.It is customary for wife to wear a wedding ring on her left hand.Some husbands also wear rings if they want to.A widow or a widower usually wears a wedding ring,but a divorce does not..

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