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Tuesday 1 November 2011


Concepts and communicative functions:
all language are based principally upon two basic human needs:
1)to identify everything that is part of our existence..
               -concrete things (e.g an object,an animal)
               -abstract ideas(e.g love,intelligence)
               -general concepts(e.g space,time,quantity)
               -concepts involving logical relationships (e.g cause,effect)

2)to communicate with other people in order to achieve a particular result.For example:
a)A person who does not have certain information can ask another person who will then give a reply
b)if someone needs to use something which belongs to another person he/she can ask for permission to use it.The other person will then give the permission or refuse it.
c)if someone makes a suggestion to another person,the second person may accept or reject it or,perhaps,thank the first person........

                                                 Language is therefore used to carry out a variety of communicative functions.It can express our intellectual,moral and emotional attitudes;it can influence the behaviour of other people (bu requesting or ordering them to do something);it can establish and maintain,social contact.............

                                       The language of word is not only the means of satisfying these two fundamental human needs of identifying and communicating.There are other forms of language and they are becoming increasingly important (e.graphical,mathematical.musical). However there is no doubt that the language of words is still the most important for human communication................

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